Northern Warriors - Women Of Steel II

Saturday, 20 September 2008

Style: Hard Rock, Brutal Death, Progressive,
Celtic, Black Metal
Origin: Asturies
Author: DamosFog
Released: 11 August 2008


01. Dreams - The Cranberries
02. Demon Attack - Hellion
03. Wicca - Benedictum
04. Dying Inside - Skylark
05. Artemis - Aesma Daeva
06. House Of Heroes - Battlelore
07. 1000 Years - Cruachan
08 The Keeper - Sentinel Beast
09. Dreamworld - 6th Awakening
10. Serendipity - The Agonist
11. Spirits Of The Dead - Merlin
12. Immunization - Zeenon
13. Black Omen - At Odds With God
14. Azmeroth - Sacrilege
15. Invocation - Mordichrist
16. Nail On Your Coffin - Izegrim
17. Bloodless- Final
18. Orgiastic Blasphemy - Skuldom
19. Painfull Assemble - Be Persecuted
20. Primitive Dance - Darkestrah
21. I Love Rock And Roll - Joan Jett
